

Podiatry & Foot and Ankle Surgery located in West Bloomfield, MI

Orthotics services offered in West Bloomfield, MI

If you struggle with foot pain, flat feet, high arches, or other structural problems with your feet, help is available at Precision Foot & Ankle Center in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Angela Jacob, DPM, D.ABFAS, FACFAS, offers over-the-counter and custom-fitted orthotics (shoe inserts) to improve your comfort and reduce the risk of future foot or ankle problems. Call the office to schedule an appointment or use the online booking tool today.

Orthotics Q&A

What are orthotics?

Orthotics are heel inserts or foot pads worn inside your shoes to enhance your comfort, improve the structure or alignment of your feet, and reduce pain. Custom-fitted orthotics mold perfectly to the shape of your feet, while over-the-counter orthotics are pre-made and convenient options for many people.

Why might I need orthotics?

Orthotics are useful for treating an array of foot and ankle issues. Dr. Jacob may recommend trying orthotics if you struggle with one or more of the following conditions:

  • Flat feet
  • High arches
  • Foot pain
  • Poor gait (walking pattern)
  • Bunions
  • Corns
  • Calluses
  • Stiff big toe
  • Claw toe
  • Hammer toe
  • Limb length deformities
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Plantar fasciitis 
  • Diabetic foot problems
  • Arthritis 
  • Bone spurs
  • Sprains
  • Tendinitis

If you have a foot abnormality, injury, pain, or other bothersome symptoms, you may be a candidate for custom-fitted or over-the-counter orthotics. It’s also helpful to wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes. 

Are orthotics right for me?

Dr. Jacob lets you know if you may benefit from orthotics after discussing your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle habits. She observes you walking and examines your feet and ankles, looking for structural abnormalities, gait issues, or signs of an injury or disease.

She might perform X-rays, ultrasounds, or other diagnostic procedures to find the source of unpleasant symptoms and develop appropriate treatment options.

What should I expect after receiving orthotics?

The first step of receiving custom orthotics is getting fitted for them. Dr. Jacob measures your feet and makes molds of your feet to create orthotics that comfortably fit in your shoes. When the shoe inserts are ready, wear them inside of well-fitting shoes as directed by Dr. Jacob. She lets you know when and how often to wear them to eliminate pain and other symptoms.

You might need additional treatments, such as physical therapy, injections, medications, therapeutic ultrasound, or a minimally invasive procedure, depending on the type of foot or ankle issue you have.  

Dr. Jacob follows up with you to ensure your treatment works effectively. She can refit you for new orthotics as needed based on the wear patterns.

To learn more about over-the-counter and custom orthotics available at Precision Foot & Ankle Center, call the office or use the online scheduler today.